AIMS and Delta Composites, in association with Creative Pultrusions, Inc., have published the most comprehensive Fiberglass Structural Design Manual in the industry.

In association with Creative Pultrusions, Inc., AIMS has published the most comprehensive Fiberglass Structural Design Manual in the industry. Example Calculations are also available. The manual addresses all facets of a structural design process including:
- Bending (flexural)
- Compression (axial)
- Tension
- Shear
- Combining Stresses
- Designing Connections
Our Design Manual provides the formulas necessary to check for both local and global buckling—the two design checks that must be performed to ensure a fiberglass member is adequate for its function.
Our formulas for local and global buckling checks incorporate factors to account for the effects of temperature on the allowable stresses as well as on the modulus of elasticity. The Design Manual addresses the design of the following:
- Wide Flange Beams & I-Beams
- Channels
- Angles
- Round Tubes
- Rectangular & Square Tubes
- Solid Sections
This Design Manual is to the fiberglass structural world as the AISC Manual of Steel Construction is to the steel design world. It is complete, thorough, and mandatory for a successful fiberglass structural system.

AIMS’ DeltaSpan pultruded grating product offers excellent unidirectional strength and corrosion resistance. This product has been developed to meet specific requirements and is particularly suited for highly corrosive environments. It offers extended life and eliminates periodic maintenance and replacement costs making it the preferred alternative to conventional steel gratings.

Fiberglass Handrail Systems
DeltaRail meets your requirements, from small platforms to complex structures, with high-strength, maintenance-free handrails that are ideal for any location.

Fiberglass Stair Solutions
AIMS' molded fiberglass stair treads are offered in two varieties: the DeltaTread and the DeltaGrate FabTread. DeltaTread stair treads are cut from DeltaTread panels measuring 22-1/4” x 10’-0”. The mesh of the DeltaTread is 1” x 6” with double bearing bars at the 6” intervals so that any stair tread with a length that is a multiple of 6” is always banded.